Mėlyno namelio era baigėsi. Esame dėkingi visiems, kurie kūrė istorijas ir prisiminimus drauge su mūsų šeima.

Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions of the store


1.1. These Rules of Purchase and Sale of Goods (from now on referred to as the “Rules”), upon approval by the Buyer (after reading the Rules and ticking the box “I have read and agree to the Purchasing Rules” in the “Toli nuo klasikos” E-shop), are binding on the parties, where the rights and obligations of the Buyer and the Seller, the conditions of acquisition and payment for the goods, the procedure of delivery and return of the goods, the liability of the parties and other provisions related to the purchase and sale of goods in the “Toli nuo klasikos” E-shop are established.

1.2. The Seller reserves the right to change, amend or supplement the Rules at any time, considering the requirements established by law.


2.1. The buyer can purchase goods in the E-shop “Toli nuo klasikos” only in one way: without registering on this website.

2.2. When ordering the goods in the manner as described in 2.1 Clause of these Rules, the Buyer must indicate in the relevant information in fields provided by the Seller his data necessary for the proper execution of the order: name, surname, delivery address, telephone number and e-mail address.

2.3. By approving these Rules, the Buyer agrees that his data will be processed for the purposes of analysis of the Seller’s activities and direct marketing in the sale of goods and services in the E-shop “Toli nuo klasikos”.

2.4. By agreeing to the processing of his personal data for the purpose of selling goods and services in the Seller’s E-shop, the Buyer also agrees to the sending of information notices to the e-mail address and telephone number provided by him, which are necessary to fulfil the order.


3.1. The Agreement between the Buyer and the Seller shall be deemed concluded from the moment when the Buyer, having selected the item (s) to be purchased and formed a shopping cart, clicks on the “Confirm Order” link and the Seller confirms the order by phone or email, which the Buyer has provided, sending an email confirming the order.

3.2. Each purchase and sale agreement concluded between the Buyer and the Seller is registered and stored in the “Toli nuo klasikos” E-shop database.


4.1. The Buyer has the right to purchase goods in the “Toli nuo klasikos” E-shop in accordance with the procedure established in these Rules and other information sections of the Seller’s E-shop.


5.1. The Buyer must pay for the goods and accept them in accordance with these Rules.

5.2. The Buyer, using the “Toli nuo klasikos” E-shop, undertakes to comply with these Rules and other conditions indicated in the E-shop and not to violate the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.


6.1. If the Buyer tries to compromise the stability and security of the E-shop or violates its obligations, the Seller has the right to immediately and without notice restrict or suspend his access to the E-shop.

6.2. In the event of significant circumstances, the Seller may terminate the operation of the E-shop altogether without notifying the Buyer in advance.

6.3. The Seller has the right to cancel his order without notifying the Buyer in advance if the Buyer, having chosen the payment methods as described in Clause 8.2 of these Rules, does not pay for the goods within 24 hours.


7.1. The Seller undertakes to make the Buyer the services provided by the E-shop “Toli nuo klasikos” under the conditions outlined in these Rules and the E-shop.

7.2. The Seller undertakes to respect the Buyer’s right to privacy of personal information belonging to him, i.e., to process the personal data specified by the Buyer only in accordance with the procedure established in Chapter 2 of the Rules and legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.

7.3. The Seller undertakes to deliver the goods ordered by the Buyer to the collection address chosen by the Buyer, which is in the list provided in the tolinuoklasikos.lt E-shop.

7.4. The Seller, unable to deliver the ordered goods to the Buyer due to important circumstances, undertakes to offer a similar or as similar a product as possible. If the Buyer refuses to accept an analogous or similar product, the Seller undertakes to return the money paid to the Buyer within 14 (fourteen) business days if the advance payment has been made.

7.5. When the Buyer exercises the right provided for in the Clause 11.3 of the Rules and under the condition provided for in the Clause 11.4 of the Rules, the Seller undertakes to return the money paid to the Buyer within 14 (fourteen) working days from the date of receipt of the returned goods.


8.1. The prices of the goods in the E-shop and in the formed order are indicated in euros with VAT.

8.2. Upon confirmation of the order, the delivery fee, if any, will be added to the total amount of the goods.

8.3. When a customer visits an E-shop, he selects the items he likes and places them in the shopping cart. After forming the shopping cart, the Buyer enters the personal data necessary for order fulfilment: his name, surname, address to which the goods will be delivered, telephone number and additional information that may be relevant for the delivery of the ordered goods. The buyer confirms that he has read these rules and confirms the order.

8.4. Payment can be made using electronic banking services. Payments are processed using the Paysera.lt payment platform.


9.1. The Seller delivers the goods to the Buyer in accordance with the terms specified in the descriptions of the goods.

9.4. The characteristics of each product sold are indicated in the description accompanying each product. The Seller is not responsible for the fact that the colour, shape or other parameters of the goods in the E-shop may not correspond to the actual size, shape and colour of the goods due to the characteristics of the monitor used by the Buyer.

9.5. The product “Map of Flavours” is delivered to the specified place at the specified time. The buyer undertakes to be at the collection point at the specified time. The buyer has no right to make claims regarding the time and place of delivery.


10.1. The characteristics of each product sold “Toli nuo klasikos” are generally indicated in the product description accompanying each product.

10.2. The Seller is not responsible for the fact that the goods in the E-shop in their colour, shape or other parameters may not correspond to the actual size, shape and colour of the goods due to the characteristics of the monitor used by the Buyer.


11.1. In case the product is of poor quality, the Buyer must inform the administration of the www.tolinuoklasikos.lt E-shop about the quality defects within 48 hours. The buyer can inform about the purchased goods of incorrect quality by phone at +37069977294 or by e-mail at labas@tolinuoklasikos.lt

11.2. Goods purchased in the E-shop are non-refundable, except when the goods have been damaged during transportation.

11.3. In all cases of return, the Buyer must first contact the specified contacts and only after receiving information from the store manager to carry out the return.

11.4. Foodstuffs of inadequate quality shall be replaced or returned at the place of purchase of the goods or at another place specified by the Seller and convenient for the Buyer. The Buyer shall submit a written request and the goods to the Seller. The request indicates the defects of the product. The application is accompanied by a cash register receipt or other document confirming the purchase and sale of the goods from this Seller.

11.5. If the Buyer does not submit a receipt of the cash register or another document confirming the purchase and sale of the goods issued in accordance with the established procedure, the goods shall be replaced only with the consent of the seller.

11.6. In the event of a disagreement between the Buyer and the Seller regarding the quality of the food product, the Seller must, upon receipt of a written request from the Buyer, apply to the State Food and Veterinary Service in writing no later than within three days and communicate the results of the test to the consumer as soon as they are submitted in writing by the State Food and Veterinary Service.

11.7. Expenses related to food quality research shall be reimbursed in accordance with the procedure established by legal acts.

11.8. Return and exchange of goods of good quality shall be carried out in accordance with Article 6.22810 (1) of the Civil Code;

11.9. The money paid for the goods accepted by the Buyer but later refused shall be returned to the Buyer’s account no later than within 5 (five) days from the day of returning the goods to the Seller unless the Seller and the Buyer agree otherwise.

11.10. Return policy does not apply to “Map of Flavours” products.


12.1. The buyer is fully responsible for the accuracy of the personal data. Suppose the Buyer does not provide accurate personal data. In that case, the Seller is not responsible for the consequences and acquires the right to claim compensation for direct losses incurred by the Buyer.

12.2. The buyer is responsible for the actions taken using this E-shop.

12.3. The Seller is released from any liability in cases where the loss arises due to the fact that the Buyer, notwithstanding the recommendations of the Seller and its obligations, did not read these Rules, even though he was given such an opportunity.

12.4. If the Seller’s E-shop contains links to the websites of other companies, institutions, organisations or persons, the Seller is not responsible for the information or activities performed there, does not maintain, control and does not represent those companies and persons.

12.5. In the event of damage, the guilty party compensates the other party for the direct damage.

12.6. The Seller is not responsible for the proper fulfilment of mutual obligations between the Buyer and the Seller’s partners, whose services the Buyer orders.


13.1. The Seller shall send all notices to the e-mail address provided by the Buyer in accordance with the procedure provided in Clause 2.2 of the Rules.

13.2. The Buyer shall send all notices and questions by the means of communication specified in the “About Us” section of the Seller’s E-shop.


14.1. These rules have been drawn up in accordance with the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.

14.2. The law of the Republic of Lithuania shall apply to the relations arising based on these rules.

14.3. All disputes arising out of the application of these rules shall be settled by negotiation. If no agreement is reached, disputes shall be settled in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.