Sekmadieniais atvyk pas mus su pižama ir MIMOZA mes tave vaišiname!

ToLi nuo klasikos

toli nuo klasikos

Apie ToLi

Welcome to ToLi nuo klasikos! We weren't creating a catering business. We were creating a phenomenon. A bubble of family, friends, food and Love.


An azure-coloured house filled with flavours, joy and unforgettable stories, just on the shore of the Baltic Sea.

audrutė toli namai

Frequently asked questions

I-II nedirbame
III-IV 17:00 – 23.00
V 17.00 – 00.00
VI 12.00 – 00.00 (16.00 – 17:00 val. siesta)
VII – 12:00 – 18:00

PALANGA (tik vasaros sezonu)
I-IV nedirbame
V 17.00 – 23.00
VI 11.00 – 23.00 (16.00 – 17.00 siesta)
VII 11.00 – 18.00

For 8 guests or less, please use our online table booking system.

Didesnė nei 8 žmonių rezervacija galima švenčių siltyje arba el.paštu

Audrute will take you to a different region every weekend. On the menu page, you can see the current menu and weekend offers.

ToLi nuo klasikos logotipas