Mėlyno namelio era baigėsi. Esame dėkingi visiems, kurie kūrė istorijas ir prisiminimus drauge su mūsų šeima.

Table booking:

Dear friend, we are delighted to see you here!

Audrutė is a place where you take time to enjoy each bite. Therefore we recommend pre-order appetisers while making a table reservation.

Our menu (click)

In this place you can book table at ToLi nuo klasikos Melnragė Audros str. 2A. Available time slots will appear while making a table reservation. If you cannot see your desired time slot, it means we are fully booked.


Peacock cocktail is a time when the stories of distant lands touches the palate.
Every Friday and Saturday from 9:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. (the kitchen is closed from 9:30 p.m.) we invite you to enjoy our selected cocktails in which we have combined the most interesting spices, colors, and stories, plants, substances, liqueurs and even bottle shapes.

Namelio darbo laikas šventiniu laikotarpiu:


V 17.00 – 00.00
VI 12.00 – 00.00 (16.00 -17.00 val. siesta)
VII 12.00 – 18.00

Šeštadienį nuo 16:00 iki 17:00 val. yra siesta, kurios metu namelis ruošiasi vakarienei ir nepriima užsakymų.

Please pay attention to the start and end times of your reservation. Your table is reserved for 2 hours; if you wish to book a table for a longer period, please get in touch with our team.

In the summer season, we suggest booking a space where you would wish to spend the whole evening. The system will select the table automatically. Unfortunately, due to high occupancy, we will not always be able to change the table upon your preferences.

Let us introduce the spaces for your reservations:

The Champagne Terrace is tucked under the shade of olive trees. Opened only during summer.

toli nuo klasikos šampano terasa

The Yard Terrace welcomes you in the company of bluest window-blinds in the area. Opened only during summer.

toli nuo klasikos kiemo terasa

The Forest Terrace awaits with the romantic lightbulbs tangled above in trees and sea-chatter across the pines. Opened only during summer.

toli nuo klasikos miško terasa

The Greenhouse – a place to savour chocolate Napoleon’s cake while counting the raindrops on a see-through roof. Opened for special events and depending on weather conditions

toli nuo klasikos šiltnamis

The Inside of House – a caring space of Audrutė’s heart.

Please be informed that we will hold the table for 15 minutes. If you wish to cancel or change the reservation, please update your booking on the website or by phone: +370 648 82007

You shall receive a confirmation via email or text message right after the booking.

To book a table for a group of 8 or more guests, please get in touch with us by email: labas@tolinuoklasikos.lt

We will be waiting you at our home!

Come in being good. Walk away even better.