Mėlyno namelio era baigėsi. Esame dėkingi visiems, kurie kūrė istorijas ir prisiminimus drauge su mūsų šeima.

share the grey

A fear starts to build up and you know that soon this day will come when the grey takes over our beloved city. Grey clouds, grey streets, grey thoughts will surround us. Some say winter is coming but we know grey is more overpowering and damn… only bad hair days are expected till spring comes along. We just want you to know – we are all in this together! But it’s important to love even rainy days, wet shoes and never-ending windy weather. So we invite you to embrace a moody season of GREY with us.

That’s why we say: Don’t let grey weather stop you from exploring the wonders of the Baltics! Pack your favorite raincoat and book a flight to Palanga airport. And of course – our beloved neighbours are welcome to come by car or even by bicycle. 


A hidden gem is waiting for you just a short ride away. We designed an experience to keep you warm, dry, and entertained, no matter what the forecast says. You just need to book a table and enjoy a fresh, colorful, tasteful and unexpected gastronomical journey. Let’s share the GREY! We’ve been in your city, maybe it’s time you visit ours?